Power your Apps: Leverage Natural Language, OpenAI, LangChain and Custom APIs

In this blog post, I will explore Generative Text AI using OpenAI, Python and llama_Index. I will also discuss the accessibility of AI and the tools I have discovered to make it easier to use OpenAI APIs.


Exploring Generative Text AI using OpenAI, Python and LlamaIndex

In this blog post, I will explore Generative Text AI using OpenAI, Python and llama_Index. I will also discuss the accessibility of AI and the tools I have discovered to make it easier to use OpenAI APIs.


I just started a new live coding stream in Twitch!!!

I started a new live coding stream in Twitch. Interviews with Experienced Developers, Tech Meetups, IT Career Talks.


Getting Started with Strapi Headless CMS

Trying out Strapi, a Headless CMS


Developing a Zoom API Client Library for Golang

I thought of developing a Zoom API Golang Client Library for my personal use. There is no official Zoom API client library for Go/Golang so I thought it would be interesting to develop one.


Golang Developer/Engineer Jobs in Singapore

I created a website https://golang-jobs.now.sh to compile Golang jobs from other websites.


How to Encrypt and Decrypt Data using Golang and AES

Learn to encrypt and encrypt data using Golang and AES


Deploying a Go Lambda Function using AWS SAM

Learn how to deploy a Go Function in AWS Lambda using AWS SAM(AWS Serverless Application Model)

Web Development

Create an Online Resume using Gatsby

Online resume using my gatsby starter.


Implement a Flutter ListView using data from a REST API

Learn to implement a Flutter ListView which retrieves data from a REST API in this blog post.

Software Development

How to create a GraphQL API Server using Go (Golang)

Learn how to create a GraphQL API Server using Go


Generate a QRCode vCard using Go

Generate a QRCode vCard using Go


Innovating the Resume using ReactJS and Ant Design Pro

Modern Resumes using ReactJS and Ant Design Pro

Dev Ops

Ingest NGINX container access logs to ElasticSearch using Fluentd and Docker

This is an example on how to ingest NGINX container access logs to ElasticSearch using Fluentd and Docker. I also added Kibana for easy viewing of the access logs saved in ElasticSearch.


Debugging Go applications using Delve

Learn how to Debug your Golang applications using Delve.


The GopherCon Singapore 2018 Experience

A few months back, I started my journey to learning Golang. I started with Tour of Go, watched videos of Todd McLeod in Youtube, and tried out examples I find in the web. I thought of sharing all these learning to anyone who wanted to learn Golang so I blogged about it here.


How to run HashiCorp Vault (Secrets Management) in Docker

How to run HashiCorp Vault (Secrets Management) in Docker


Asynchronous Processing with Go using Kafka and MongoDB

Asynchronous Processing with Go Microservices using Kafka and MongoDB

Dev Ops

Converting a MongoDB Docker Compose file to a Kubernetes Deployment

Learn to convert a MongoDB Docker Compose file to a Kubernetes Deployment

Dev Ops

My First Experience with Neo4J - running in Docker

Running Neo4J Graph Database in Docker


My First Go Microservice using MongoDB and Docker Multi-Stage Builds

Create a Microservice using MongoDB and Docker Multi-Stage Builds

Dev Ops

Docker Stack with Traefik

Run Traefik using docker-stack


Sample NodeJS app to query the Ethereum blockchain

Create a NodeJS app to query the Ethereum blockchain

Dev Ops

Docker Stack with the official ElasticSearch, Kibana

Run the official ElasticSearch, Kibana using Docker Stack


Using Docker Data Volume with a MySQL container

Based on some discussions online, they are saying that it is best to have your data used by other docker containers in a separate container which they call a 'Data Volume Container'.


Introduction to Go Modules in Go v1.11, Goodbye GOPATH!

Based on some discussions online, they are saying that it is best to have your data used by other docker containers in a separate container which they call a 'Data Volume Container'.
