software development

I just started a new live coding stream in Twitch!!!

I started a new live coding stream in Twitch. Interviews with Experienced Developers, Tech Meetups, IT Career Talks.


Getting Started with Strapi Headless CMS

Trying out Strapi, a Headless CMS


Developing a Zoom API Client Library for Golang

I thought of developing a Zoom API Golang Client Library for my personal use. There is no official Zoom API client library for Go/Golang so I thought it would be interesting to develop one.


The GopherCon Singapore 2018 Experience

A few months back, I started my journey to learning Golang. I started with Tour of Go, watched videos of Todd McLeod in Youtube, and tried out examples I find in the web. I thought of sharing all these learning to anyone who wanted to learn Golang so I blogged about it here.
