
Developing a Zoom API Client Library for Golang

I thought of developing a Zoom API Golang Client Library for my personal use. There is no official Zoom API client library for Go/Golang so I thought it would be interesting to develop one.


Golang Developer/Engineer Jobs in Singapore

I created a website https://golang-jobs.now.sh to compile Golang jobs from other websites.


How to Encrypt and Decrypt Data using Golang and AES

Learn to encrypt and encrypt data using Golang and AES


Deploying a Go Lambda Function using AWS SAM

Learn how to deploy a Go Function in AWS Lambda using AWS SAM(AWS Serverless Application Model)

Software Development

How to create a GraphQL API Server using Go (Golang)

Learn how to create a GraphQL API Server using Go


Generate a QRCode vCard using Go

Generate a QRCode vCard using Go


Debugging Go applications using Delve

Learn how to Debug your Golang applications using Delve.


The GopherCon Singapore 2018 Experience

A few months back, I started my journey to learning Golang. I started with Tour of Go, watched videos of Todd McLeod in Youtube, and tried out examples I find in the web. I thought of sharing all these learning to anyone who wanted to learn Golang so I blogged about it here.


Asynchronous Processing with Go using Kafka and MongoDB

Asynchronous Processing with Go Microservices using Kafka and MongoDB


My First Go Microservice using MongoDB and Docker Multi-Stage Builds

Create a Microservice using MongoDB and Docker Multi-Stage Builds
